Channel: ThatsHeart
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: christmas 2020last minuteday in the lifevlogmas day 22vlogmas 2020christmas gift ideasshoppinggiftschristmas giftschristmas gift ideas 2020vlogmaschristmas presentschristmas shoppingpresent wrappingchristmasvlogmas vloggift wrappinglast minute christmas shoppingvlogdaily vloglast minute giftschristmas giftchristmas gift guide for sisterlast minute christmas giftspresents
Description: WELCOME TO VLOGMAS DAY 22, 2020! Thank you for being here. I appreciate you so much! Help us with our vlogmas outro! please DM me a video of you (and/or your loved ones) saying "SEE YOU LATER, BABY" on Instagram ( and we'll feature you in our upcoming vlogmases! FIND ME ON MY OTHER SOCIALS: Instagram: @thatsheart Twitter: @heartdefensor Tik tok: heartdefensor BUSINESS INQUIRIES: See you later, BAY-BEE!